Mechanical boy
Today a friend at the same time a colleague has said to me ‘’you are mechanical’’. I started laughing and why:
what the definition of mechanical is?
Than, he replied that mechanical thinking is that a person thinks systematically in correct and wrong. While in the meanwhile people are not always in situations that needs the analysis of if those actions are correct or wrong. Mechanical thinking can not calculate unexpected things, in the meanwhile human does.
Of course the next question is why the hell is the term Boy applied in this title of mechanical. Well, that is simply because of the fact that in a documentary of Louis Theroux law and disorder in Lagos interviews a person.
In some context the term area boys came forward with the accent of the guy from Lagos. Louis Theroux asked him if the term area boys are similar to the word hooligans for example. The interviewee replied no no no! and replied: area boys are boys from the area! that simple definition was with full confidence and straight face that made us both laugh a lot. Since he point out that I am mechanical I gave myself the credit to call myself mechanical boy to accept the feedback in a positive and funny way.
Cheers and have a nice day!